About SchoolMeIn:
Schoolmein is being prepared since 2015 after very long experience in teaching facing the real need for the teachers and schools. Teachers always look for a trusted and certified place to develop themselves in teaching, where they can upgrade their level in teaching, positions at schools, or sometimes the school division itself: from Private to Language, or from National to international. As for the schools, their forever problem is to find and recruit the right teacher at the right time. Parents have the courses to increase their awareness of how they raise their kids during different school stages and psychological changes. SchoolMeIn has considered all these needs for both the teachers and the school.
As for teachers, now there is no need to go in person to leave their written application at schools just in case they had a vacancy. SchoolMeIn platform has most of the schools in Egypt and in the MENA region, so it became so easy to apply to more than one school at the same time, saving time and effort, most important, you will not miss any vacancy. Plus, they can choose where to work in the Search Bar to find the most suitable vacancy. Moreover, they can develop themselves through our Teachers Development tab, where teachers find all courses they might need in all fields: TEFL, TESOL, Teach science in English, Teach Math in English, and more. Another thing is that teachers can also work abroad through applying at schools, online or face-to-face interviews.
As for schools, the dilemma of finding the right candidate became just a press of a button. Through SchoolMeIn Search Engine tool, schools recruiters can specify some requirements for the needed teacher(s) to find them easier and faster instead of going through thousands of C.Vs to find the most suitable candidate. Not only teachers, and admins are easy to find as well. Another option for the schools, they can post the available vacancies on SchoolMein.com that will appear to the teachers registered on SchoolMeIn.com after posting.
Parents will be more aware than before through some courses, by certified trainers or with the affiliation with certified centers, that help them understand their kids’ psychological and mental needs through their age stages. SchoolMeIn offers free session and workshops to help parents as well know how to deal with different personalities of their kids.